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Get access to specialists in bloodstock and mortality insurance


Bloodstock Insurance

We provide access to insurance providers who cater for all the insurance needs of a thoroughbred horse.


They offer a full range of bloodstock and mortality insurance products designed to meet your specific requirements.

For more information on bloodstock and mortality insurance providers, contact FarmInsurance365

Thoroughbred Horse Insurance

The financial investment involved in keeping horses for business or as a hobby is substantial.


Bloodstock insurance is a type of coverage specifically designed for owners of valuable horses or livestock. It provides financial protection against the death, theft, or loss of use of the insured animal.

For detail-by-detail breakdowns on the benefits covered under bloodstock & mortality insurance, contact FarmInsurance365

Horse Insurance

Owning a horse entails emotional attachment and a sense of responsibility. Having insurance in place gives owners peace of mind, knowing that they have taken steps to protect their horse's value and financial well-being.


It allows owners to focus on their horse's care and training without worrying excessively about potential financial losses.


For more information on bloodstock and mortality insurance, contact FarmInsurance365

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Bloodstock & Mortality FAQ

What is the minimum age that a horse can be insured under a bloodstock & mortality policy?

Horses can be insured from as young as 24 hours old.

Can bloodstock insurance be tailored?

Yes, bloodstock insurance can be tailored to suit the specific needs of the owner and the insured animal. Owners can work with insurance providers to tailor the coverage and policy terms to their requirements.

What are the standard level of cover that insurers offer on an Bloodstock Policy?
  • For a Sport Horse standard cover is All Risks of Mortality and Theft

  • For a Thoroughbred Horse standard cover is All Risks of Mortality and Theft, 12 Months Extension and Wobbler Syndrome Endorsement

What do insurers mean when they talk about All Risks of Mortality and Theft?

All Risks of Mortality and Theft covers the market value for an owner’s horse, up to the sum insured, in the event of:


  • Death of horse – caused by an accidental injury, illness or disease

  • Humane destruction

  • Theft

  • Death or humane destruction directly resulting from theft of the horse which occurs during the policy period

What optional extensions can be included?

Insurers typically offer the following optional extensions:


  • Life Saving Surgery Costs

  • Stallion Permanent Total Disability

  • Unsoundness of Wind

  • Prospective Foal

Will insurers cover a mare in foal?

Yes, insurers will cover a mare in foal, but they will not cover any embryo within the foal under a standard policy. A prospective foal and a foal on foot can be covered separately.

Can I extend this policy for Public Liability?

Yes, insurers will cover a mare in foal, but they will not cover any embryo within the foal under a standard policy. A prospective foal and a foal on foot can be covered separately.

What is Life Saving Costs Surgery cover?

For an additional premium per horse and as an extension to your mortality policy, bloodstock insurance policies provide cover for costs of life saving surgery and after-care up to the life-saving surgery limit specified on the schedule, up to an agreed limit per horse.

Does a Bloodstock policy include transit cover?

Yes in most cases Bloodstock policies will automatically include transit cover, when the insured horse is travelling to or between any country within Western Europe. This is something you want to confirm with the insurer when taking out the policy.


General Horse / Pony Mortality Insurance FAQs

Is Mortality insurance cover expensive?

No. Some insurers offer policies for as little as 3-5% the value of your horse. When owners consider this against the cost of their investment in their horse, it makes sense. However, it is important to note that the risk element and activity of the horse is what impacts on the premium so the higher the risk the higher the premium.

What is the standard level of cover that insurers offer on a Mortality Policy?

In the case of most insurers, horses valued up to and including €30k are insured via All Risks of Mortality and Theft, Third Party Liability and Personal Accident as standard. (In the case of sports horses with a value of €30k or greater insurance can be sought through a bloodstock policy)

What do insurers mean when they talk about All Risks of Mortality and Theft?

All Risks of Mortality and Theft covers the market value for an owner’s horse, up to the sum insured, in the event of:

  • Death of horse – caused by an accidental injury, illness or disease

  • Humane destruction

  • Theft

  • Death or humane destruction directly resulting from theft of the horse which occurs during the policy period

Are there age limits for horses on mortality policies?

Yes, most insurers offer cover from 30 days old to 17 years inclusive. Horses over this may be insured for Third Party Liability and Personal Accident only.

What is the basis of cover in reference to valuation of the animal Insured?

Insurers base indemnity on the Fair Market Value at the time of the loss. Your insurer can assist you with determining the valuation if you are unsure.

Does a Liability extension indemnify others to ride the horse?

Where a policy includes a liability extension, it does extend to include residing family of the Insured & any other person with the Insured’s permission to ride the insured animal.

What is a Justification of Value & how can I provide this to the insurer?

This is proving the value of the animal. It can be provided in many forms such as:

Proof of Value at Purchase, Performance records, Trainer’s valuation, Animal Blood lines, etc.

What is Personal Accident insurance?

Personal Accident Insurance covers you in the event of sustaining a bodily injury whilst riding or mounting or dismounting a horse within the territorial limits.

Is a Veterinary Certificate required when taking out a Mortality policy?

Most insurers require a veterinary certificate for values €10k and over - this must be completed no more than 30 days before the inception of the policy.

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